5 Piece of Advice For Brides

Okay lets divulge again into pool of advice..As the season of marriages is coming closer, i am getting more excited to attend marriages organized by Ovations Event. Coming to the post, For a newlywed, the celebration and functions does not get over even after the wedding ceremony. 

There are so many post wedding functions that are planned just to celebrate the marriage. While you always had stylist and parlor assistance to take care of your hair and makeup till your wedding, you would not have the same luxury for the post-wedding functions. Here goes my quick piece of advice for would be brides who are busy with their jobs and who may face little problem just after marriage in new house. I am writing this post from my own experience..when i got married a year back i wanted to write it since that time 😀

#1 Learn to tie your hairs in few basic plaits, braids and messy bun. Open hairs do tangle a lot and create hassles during small functions which are going to happen after marriage as you would not have parlor assistance for all such functions.  My favorites  are fishtail braid and messy bun. I prefer to make side braids with small clutches. Other ones which could be learnt are cute pony tails and classic chignon. Get a idea here and there are tons of youtube videos as well for learning the same.


Classic fishtail braid

Messy Bun Ideas

Messy Bun Ideas

#2. Do invest in a few things viz bobby pins and cotton buds for quick smokey eyes, eye makeup remover, cleaning mascara mistakes, removing lipstick bleed  (they will be your best friends girl trust me) and curlers/straightners as per your hair type for those cool open hair styles.

P.S- For better grip, flip the bobby pin so that bobby pin is against you head. Look the photo below for reference.

Get it right :D

Get it right 😀

#3.  If your hair’s are oily but there’s absolutely no chance you’re waking up early enough for a wash, apply baby powder liberally to hair roots before bed. The power will soak up the excess oil that makes your hair look greasy. As for black hairs, baby powder is too noticeable for you to apply it right before you leave the house. So, if you sprinkle it on your roots at night, the white residue will have time to fade and soak up the extra oil on your hair and scalp by morning.


Baby powder as Dry Shampoo

#4. If you loved tinted moisturizers and you have problem in blending with foundation then BB creams are you best friends and they treat all kinds of concerns, offer SPF protection, act as a primer for makeup, cover minor blemishes and even out your skin tone. The one which could be used for daily use is Pond’s BB cream (i guess its formulated version of Ponds tinted moisturizer), Clinique BB Cream and Body shop ice cream.

BB Creams..A mush have in my Bag

BB Creams..A mush have in Bag

#5. Do not rub your wrist after applying perfume as rubbing a perfume breaks down its molecules, diminishing the scent into thin air. Along with it girlies, apply your perfume behind ear, base of throat, inside elbow and inside wrist.

Stop Rubbing :)

Stop Rubbing 🙂


Do incorporate these Brides, they will be more than useful ^_^